Join our Agency
Want to be a part of our team?
Take a look at our guide below to see if you’ve really got what it takes to join our growing award-winning agency.

Committed, Honest & Creative?
Yes please
Each role has some specific requirements, but ultimately, we’re looking for people who are really good at what they do and want to continue to develop their skills and knowledge.
To be part of the Hydra team, you need to be motivated, professional and prepared to go that extra mile to create the outstanding work that our clients expect of us, time and time again. You also need to be a team player who is easy to get on with.
Lazy, out of ideas or a recruiter?
No thanks
We’re nothing without our team. It’s when we put our heads together that we become Hydra Creative. So, we don’t need any big-headed know-it-alls who aren’t prepared to work as part of a hardworking, collaborative team.
If you’re happier working on your own and don’t like to find new and exciting ways of doing things, then you’re probably best looking elsewhere.

Think you're a perfect fit for our team?
Then what are you waiting for, let's start a conversation
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